KA Plus!

KA Plus!


KA Plus! は毎週のコアクラスのほかにもKAの英語に触れて学習できる時間を最大限につくり、お子様の英語学習と向上心をサポートします。サブスクリプションなのでレッスン毎に申し込む必要がありません。1人1人のニーズに合わせたバイリンガル力のアップを実現します。

KA Plus! では毎月新しいクラスをオープンします!






受験対策、英検対策、サポートクラスだけではなく、サイエンス、アート、ソーシャルスタディなど、英語で新しいことを学ぶクラスから、Story Time(絵本の読み語り)、クイズといったみんなで楽しむクラスまで幅広くご用意しています。



KA Plus!の1コマは普段のレッスンよりも短く、さらに1週間の間に同じレッスンを繰り返し開講します。多忙なスケジュールをもつお子様でも、自分の好きなタイミングや興味に合わせて、自由に参加することができます。



小学5〜6年中学受験生を対象としたクラスでは、学校特有のテストスキルを磨くクラスや TOEFL 対策クラスで、合格に必要なテストテクニックや知識を養います。詳しくはこちら



KA Plus! のクラス(Kinder & Elementary)の様子をご覧ください!

Testimonials 保護者の声

My daughter took the lessons in the living room so I was able to hear the lessons too. She had her headset on for the art class so I only saw what she was doing. I was very impressed with her drawing. The teacher must have given the kids great instructions!

She enjoyed the Science Mystery.  She was lost at the beginning but once she understood what was expected, she really had a great time solving the mystery with her teammates. She actually figured out it was the 8 planets!  She really enjoyed working together with her teammates.  She said she would definitely take the class again! I thought the lesson was well designed too.  The male teacher must be an experienced teacher as all the materials he prepared were easy to follow too.  The mystery was pretty tough but he laid it out very well!!!! Our internet connection was really bad and my daughter was so frustrated. But other than that it was a fantastic class!!!

The Media Matters was fun. It was short but there were lots of interactions. She was really tired and hungry so I was a bit worried if she could focus during the class. The female teacher had fun vibes and kept giving positive feedback to all the kids. Great way to end a day!

I was impressed with the quality of the lessons! She will try different lessons tonight and is also interested in taking some academic classes like Eiken prep!