Parent Voices 2024

The Perfect Balance of Support and Flexibility.
Kikokushijo Academy has been an absolute game-changer for our family. Our daughters have thrived in their English after-school program, and we couldn't be happier with the results. Our eldest not only enjoyed the classes, but she was well prepared and ultimately successful in her junior high school entrance exams. The combination of in-person classes and the KA Plus online program provided her with the perfect balance of support and flexibility. Thanks to KA, our daughter's English skills have progressed, opening doors to new opportunities. We are very grateful for the exceptional education and support she received at KA.
「話せる」と「受かる」は違うことを KA は教えてくれました。
米国からの帰国後すぐに KA への通塾を始めました。のびのびとした米国現地校の生活から一転し、負担の重さを心配していたのですが、娘は KA での学びを大変楽しんでおりました。クラスメートにも恵まれ、とても良い時間を過ごすことができたと思います。この場を借りて、改めて感謝申し上げます。米国で身につけた英語を KA で改めて系統立てて学ぶ中で、彼女は「生活のための英語」から「学習言語としての英語」へと移行するきっかけをつかんだようにも感じています。KA のおかげで志望校に合格したこと、そしてそれ以上に、これからも長く続く学習のツールとして英語が彼女に定着したことに大変感謝しております。スタッフの皆様方におかれましても、振替や受講の件でたびたび助けていただきありがとうございました。受験校を相談した際、単にテストスコアに沿って話をするのではなく、候補となる各校の魅力を伝えてくださったことも印象に残っています。
My daughter started attending KA immediately after returning from the U.S. We were worried about the burden of attending a school in the U.S., but she enjoyed it very much. I was worried that it would be too much of a burden for her, since she was so relaxed at her local school in the U.S., but she really enjoyed her time at KA. She was blessed with good classmates and had a very good time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again. We are very grateful to KA for helping her get into the school of her choice and, more importantly, for establishing English as a tool for learning that will last for a long time to come. I am very grateful to KA for helping her get into the school of her choice and, more importantly, for making English a long-lasting learning tool for her. I would also like to thank the staff for their frequent help with transfers and coursework. I was also impressed that when we discussed schools to apply to, you did not simply talk about the test scores, but also told us about the appeal of each school we were considering.
英語の のびしろに、海外の滞在期間は関係ないことを証明してくれました。
1年間しか海外に滞在していなかったのに、ここまで英語力を伸ばせたのは KA のおかげです。先生も授業内容もクラスの友達も最高でした。ありがとうございます!
I was only abroad for one year, but thanks to KA, I was able to improve my English so much. The teachers, the classes, and my classmates were all great. Thank you very much!
3教科を諦めずに継続してやれたのは英語で稼げる実力を KA でつけられたからだと思います。親としてやったのはエッセイや面接の対策をよく話し合ったことです。日本語と英語両方で回答を考え、都度修正して、よく話し合いました。エッセイは終盤は点数が上がってきてもう KA に任せて大丈夫だと思いました。
KA は楽しいといつも前向きに通っていました。単なる塾でなく思い出に残る、充実した期間を過ごせました。すごい実績はすごい塾だからだと思います。本当にありがとうございました。
I think the reason I was able to continue to do all three subjects without giving up is because I was able to develop the ability to earn money in English at KA. What I did as a parent was to often discuss how to prepare for essays and interviews. I thought about my answers in both Japanese and English, revised them each time, and discussed them often. Toward the end of the essay, my score improved and I felt that I could leave it to KA.
For Japanese and math, I went to Waseda Academy and Waseda Academy Kobetsu School. I think I was able to improve my math score in the last few months thanks to my early efforts in math, which had been stagnant at the beginning of the fall. One year ago, I set her first-choice school as a commemorative exam, but now that she passed the exam, I feel that she was able to pass the exam by improving her ability in all three subjects.
I always went to KA with a positive attitude, saying that it was fun. It was not just a cram school, but a memorable and fulfilling experience. I think the reason for the great results is because it is a great school. Thank you very much.
KA のライブラリーは読書が楽しくなる魔法のような空間です。
KA の先生が子供の好きなジャンルを元に、KA ライブラリーから沢山の本を薦めてくださったことに感謝しています。好きなジャンルだったことから読書も楽しめたようで、結果読書量が増えました。そこからボキャブラリーやエッセイライティングのスキルが一気に上がったと思います。
I appreciate that the KA teacher recommended many books from the KA library based on my child's favorite genres. Since it was his favorite genre, he seemed to enjoy reading and as a result, the amount of reading increased. From there, I think his vocabulary and essay writing skills improved dramatically.
KA の受験プログラムはとてもクオリティーが高く、通わせて正解でした。第一志望校は勿論、全ての受験校に合格できたのは、KA の様々なプログラムを活用し、受講したおかげだと思います。普通の一般的な塾とは格が違う英語教育プログラムを持っていると感心しています。インターに通うより KA のプログラムを受講した方が良いです。
The quality of KA's entrance exam programs is very high, and it was a good decision to send my child to KA. I believe that I was able to pass not only the school of my first choice, but also all of the entrance examinations, thanks to the various programs that I took advantage of and attended at KA. I am impressed that KA has an English education program that is different from ordinary cram schools. It is better to take KA's program than to attend an international school.
KAAT 1・KAAT 2(KA の実力テスト)では結果がとても悪く、どこの学校も合格できないのではないかと心底心配しましたが、夏休みからのがんばりで KAAT 3 が上がり、そこから合格まで猛突進したような受験でした。渦中にいるとその勢いはわからないけれど、後から思い返してみると、ものすごい濃くがんばった後半でした。毎日必ず KA Plus! を受け、サマープログラムの取れる講座は全てとり、そしてどの授業の後も授業の倍以上の復習の時間をとって、本人なりに工夫し、楽しく勉強していました。おかげ様で4年生の最初に夢みた志望校に合格でき、春から憧れの学校へ通うのが楽しみです。4年生から受験期まで、ずっと担当してくださったフィル先生には、KAAT の結果が悪かったときも、志望校合格のためのアドバイスなど、たくさん励ましていただき、最後まで背中を押していただいたことに親子共々とても感謝しております。ありがとうございました。
The results of KAAT 1 and KAAT 2 were so bad that I was really worried that I would not be accepted to any school. I was in the middle of it all, and it was hard to understand the momentum of the test, but looking back on it later, it was the second half of the test where I worked extremely hard. I took KA Plus! every day, took all the courses I could get in the summer program, and spent more than twice as much time reviewing after every class. Thanks to Mr. Phil, who was in charge of me from the 4th grade until the entrance exam period, even when I did not get good results on the KAAT, he encouraged me a lot with advice on how to get into the school of my choice and pushed me to the very end. I am very thankful to him and my son for his support and advice. Thank you very much.
KA のおかげで海外生活と志望校合格を両立することができました。
1年弱、海外 DL を受講いたしました。娘はコアクラスと志望校別クラスを受講いたしました。現地校や国算の受験勉強との両立は時間繰りなど大変でしたが、何より KA は授業が楽しかったこと、その中でも志望校合格に必要なものを最短距離で効果的に学習出来たのではないかと思っています。また、貴重な海外生活での経験を大切にし、受験期間中も旅行など、リフレッシュする時間を大切にしていました。志望校選びでは、たくさんの学校見学を通して、偏差値に拘らず、娘が行きたい学校を最大限尊重することを心掛けました。お陰様で第一志望校に合格することができました。有難うございました。
We took DL overseas for a little less than a year. My daughter took the core class and the class for the school of her choice. It was difficult to manage the time and study for the local school and the national and math examinations, but I think that KA was more enjoyable than anything else, and she was able to learn effectively in the shortest distance what she needed to pass the entrance exam of her school of choice. I also cherished the valuable experience of living abroad and valued time to refresh myself by traveling, etc., even during the examination period. In choosing the school she wanted to go to, we visited many schools and tried to respect the school she wanted to go to as much as possible without being concerned about the deviation score. Thanks to your help, we were able to pass the exam for the school of our first choice. Thank you very much.
非帰国生が帰国生と同じフィールドで学ぶことは安易なことではなかったと思います。「私だけ先生が何言っているのかわからなかった」と泣いて帰ってきたこともありますし、投げやりになり教科書やプリントをゴミ箱に捨てることもありました。それでも、周りのお友達や先生方のサポートがあってこそ踏ん張ることができ、第一志望の中学校に合格しました。KA の受験コースで一番達成感があったのがエッセイの課題だったと思います。最初に提出したエッセイはボロボロで20点、30点と今まで見たことがない点数ばかりでしたが、書き続けることでコツをつかんでいったのか、徐々にエッセイ完成までの時間が短くなり点数も上がっていきました。最終的には80点近くの点数が取れるようになって、エッセイへの抵抗がなくなってきたようです。親子で心が折れそうになることは何度もありましたが、紆余曲折あっても継続してこれたことこそが、志望校合格につながったのかと思います。娘にはこれまでの努力を忘れずに中学校生活を謳歌してほしいと願っています。
It was not easy for non-returnee students to learn in the same field as returnees. There were times when I came home crying, saying, "I was the only one who didn't understand what the teacher was saying," and there were times when I threw my textbooks and handouts in the trash because I felt like throwing them away. I think the essay assignment was the most satisfying part of KA's entrance exam course. The first essay I submitted was a complete mess, with scores of 20 and 30 points, which I had never seen before, but as I continued to write, I guess I got the hang of it, and gradually the time it took to complete the essay became shorter and the score improved. Eventually, he was able to score close to 80 points, and his resistance to essays seems to have disappeared. There were many times when both parents and children felt as if we were losing heart, but I think that the fact that we were able to continue despite the twists and turns led to our success in passing the entrance exam to the school of our choice. I hope that my daughter will never forget the efforts she has made so far and enjoy her junior high school life.
親と子それぞれが抱える不安を KA は一掃してくれました。
小3の終わりに日本に越してきて、最初は英語維持のために KA に入塾しました。パンデミックの最中に学校や日本の習慣に慣れるのは大変で、もちろん言葉の壁なども感じていたところ、オンラインで受けた Danny のクラスはまるで現地校に戻ったようで、毎週受講するのをとても楽しみにしていました。受験することにしてからも、KA での授業があれば大丈夫と言う心強さがいつもありました。何かご相談したい時も、すぐにお時間を作ってくれて良いお話を聞くことができましたし、親子揃って本当にお世話になりました。感謝で一杯です。
I moved to Japan at the end of 3rd grade and initially joined KA to maintain my English. It was difficult to adjust to school and Japanese customs during the pandemic, and of course the language barrier, etc. Danny's classes that I took online were like being back at my local school, and I really looked forward to taking them every week. Even after I decided to take the exam, I always felt reassured that the classes at KA would help me. Whenever I wanted to discuss something with him, he always made time for me and I was able to hear good things from him. I am filled with gratitude.
KA には兄弟で長年お世話になりました。Grade 6 Juken program はテキストブックもさることながら、Backpack の material、Test mastery、KA Plus!、Countdown classes、全て有意義なものでした。特に Essay mentor からの丁寧で適切なアドバイスは、子供たちの writing skill を伸ばしてくれたと感謝しています!国内インターに通っていて帰国生としての資格がなかったため、不安で一杯でしたが、結果的に第一志望校より合格を頂けて KA の先生方には感謝の気持ちで一杯です。何より子供が KA が大好きで、KA の先生やお友達と会うのが楽しみで、楽しく通ってくれていたのが親としては嬉しかったです。最後の Juken party では Essay mentor の先生や KA Plus! で onlineでお世話になった先生方と対面でお話しすることが出来て、子供も喜んでいました。大変貴重な機会を有難うございました!
I have been a long time student of KA and my siblings have found the Grade 6 Juken program to be very useful, not only for the textbooks, but also for the backpack material, the test mastery, the KA Plus! I especially appreciate the careful and appropriate advice from the essay mentor, which helped my children improve their writing skills! I was very anxious because I was not qualified to be a returnee since I attended a domestic school, but as a result, my child was accepted to the school of his/her first choice. As a parent, I was happy to know that my child loved KA and enjoyed meeting with his teachers and friends. At the Juken party at the end of the school year, my child was very happy to be able to talk face-to-face with his Essay mentor and the teachers who helped him online at KA Plus! Thank you very much for this precious opportunity!
KA は現地校をまさに体現していました。
アメリカ生まれ・育ちの娘にとって、KA は日本にある現地校そのもので、大変居心地が良かったと思います。先生だけでなくスタッフの皆様全員がそのような雰囲気を作ってくださっていて、アメリカ人の主人にとっても娘が通う場所としてはもちろん、事務的なコミュニケーションの面でもスタッフ様と英語でのやり取りに問題がないという、大変安心感がある場所でした。英語学習については維持どころか、最終的には現地校以上のレベルのものを学べていたと思います。授業は input だけでなく、十分な output の機会もあったようで、それも英語の維持・向上になったと思います。コアクラス、志望校別コース、直前コースと様々な先生に教えて頂きましたが、先生方全員が本当に熱心に教えてくださっているのがわかりました。KA には日本に来てからすぐに通い始め一年半お世話になりましたが、KA に通えた事で得た英語力やクラスで一緒だったお友達は、娘にとって貴重な財産となったと思います。一度も行きたくない、辞めたいと言うこと無く通えたのは、先生とスタッフの皆さま、そして一緒に勉強する中で仲良くなったクラスメイトの皆さんのおかげです。本当にありがとうございました。
For my daughter, who was born and raised in the U.S., KA was just like a local school in Japan, and she felt very comfortable there. Not only the teachers, but all the staff created such an atmosphere, and my husband, who is American, felt very comfortable not only as a place for our daughter to attend, but also as a place where he had no problem communicating with the staff in English in terms of administrative communication. I think that the level of English learning was not only maintained, but ultimately exceeded that of the local school. The classes were not only for input, but also provided ample opportunities for output, which I think also helped me maintain and improve my English. I was taught by a variety of teachers in the core class, the course for the school of my choice, and the preparatory course, and I could see that all the teachers were really enthusiastic about teaching. I think that the English skills she gained from attending KA and the friends she made in her classes were a valuable asset for her. She was able to go to KA without once wanting to leave or quit because of the teachers, staff, and classmates who became good friends through studying together. Thank you very much.
KA には小学4年生の秋からお世話になりました。4年間過ごしたアメリカから本帰国する前は、子供が身に付けた英語を保持することができるのかとても不安でした。しかし帰国後すぐに KA に通わせて頂いたことで、英語の保持ではなく英語に磨きがかかっていることを感じ本当に驚きました。しかも子供は毎週アメリカの学校に戻った感覚で、楽しく伸び伸びと学ぶことができていたようです。Juken クラス、特に6年では毎週のエッセイ提出、直前の講習など大変な時期もありましたが、決して苦しいだけの受験勉強にならずに最後まで走り切れたのは、やはり KA のお陰だと思っております。志望校から合格を頂けたということはもちろん嬉しいことでしたが、決して試験のための英語力ではなく、将来もずっと使っていける英語力を高めて頂けたということがとても有り難く感じました。KA の先生方、スタッフの皆様には感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。本当にありがとうございました!
I have been a student at KA since the fall of 4th grade, and before returning to Japan from the U.S., where I spent 4 years, I was very worried about whether my child would be able to retain the English he had learned. However, I was very surprised to find that my child was not only retaining his English, but also improving it. There were some tough times in the Juken class, especially in the 6th grade, with weekly essay submissions and last minute classes, but I believe it was thanks to KA that my child was able to finish the course and not just study hard for the entrance examinations. I believe that it was thanks to KA that I was able to finish the exam. I am very grateful to all the teachers and staff at KA. Thank you very much!
KA というコンテンツを100%、120% 利用することが成功につながったのだと思います。
突然帰国が決まり、受験を考え始めたのが6年生になる3月に入ってからでしたので、英語の環境には長くおりましたが、英検や TOEFL などの英語検定試験の経験も、英文法をしっかりと学習した経験もありませんでした。受験に際して、志望校に合格する方のほとんどが英検1級を取得しているなどの情報を見聞きして焦りもしましたが、英検などは受験せず、KA の教材をくり返し学習する事で志望校に合格を頂く事ができました。受験に必要なスキルが身につく、良く考えられた教材のお陰だと思っております。また、先生方が常に前向きで、子供が楽しく授業を受けられる様に工夫して下さっていた事や、勉強面だけではなく、メンタル面も考慮して下さっていた事にとても感謝しています。試験日が近づくにつれて不安もでてくる中、先生のポジティブな声掛けに子供は勇気づけられておりました。先日、入学する学校の保護者説明会で、帰国生徒代表として入学式でスピーチをする依頼を頂きました。この様な機会を頂けましたのも、KA の受験プログラムのお陰だと思っております。KA を信じて、KA の教材を繰り返し学習する事が志望校合格への1番の近道だったと受験を振り返り思っております。本当にありがとうございました。
I had been in the English environment for a long time, but I had no experience with English examinations such as the EIKEN or TOEFL, nor had I studied English grammar thoroughly. However, I was able to get into the school of my choice without taking the EIKEN and by studying the KA materials over and over again. I believe that this is thanks to the well-thought-out teaching materials, which helped me acquire the necessary skills for the entrance examinations. I am also very grateful to the teachers, who were always positive and made it fun for my child to take classes, and who took into consideration not only the study aspect but also the mental aspect of the students. As the day of the exam approached, my child felt anxious, but the positive comments from the teachers encouraged her. The other day, I was asked to give a speech at the entrance ceremony as a representative of returning students at the school's parent-teacher information session. Looking back on the entrance examination, I believe that believing in KA and studying the KA materials over and over was the fastest way to get into the school of our choice. Thank you very much.