The Juken Journey: Charting the Course for Test Success - February 2025

February: Continuing on the Path to Long-Term Success
As this year’s Juken season comes to a close, while we might be nearing the end of the Juken Journey, it’s important to remember that this is just one part of a much longer voyage of learning.
In my many years as a Juken teacher, I am fortunate to have seen students achieve incredible things both during the Juken season and after it. I’m happy to say that—while never pleasant at the time—many who didn’t get into their first choice schools have flourished, while others who did have occasionally changed schools later as their needs and goals have changed.
I am especially proud that students completing KA’s Juken program acquire certain qualities that help them stand out: independence, resilience, and curiosity. So whatever your Juken result might be, I hope that these qualities will serve your children long into their academic and professional careers, as they have many others already. We hope that these skills combined with the lifelong English skills they have acquired, will offer a wealth of opportunities for them to contribute to the world however they choose to.
Maintaining and developing these skills is also important. While a break is certainly in order and it is tempting to put down the books, stop checking the news, and give writing skills a rest, students who are able to keep up these habits both until and beyond the new school year will do exceptionally well long term. and of course, KA will be here to support you and your child into and through these next steps.
For those taking tests in the next few days, we wish you the very best of luck in the exams. And to all KA Juken students and families, whether or not you have taken tests this year we are immensely proud of your achievers, and we look forward to seeing your continued improvement and hearing about all of your successes in the future.
KA の受験プログラムを修了した生徒たちが、自立心や逞しさ、好奇心といった、特別なスキルを身につけていることを、私は何より誇りに思っています。ですので、受験の結果に関わらず、これらのスキルが、卒業生たちのように、今後の子どもたちの学業やキャリアに役立つことを願っています。そして、身につけた一生モノの英語力と合わせて、将来、子どもたちがどのような道を選んだとしても、世界に貢献できる豊かな機会が広がっていることを期待しています。
これらのスキルを維持し、さらに伸ばしていくことも大切です。ニュースを見なくなったり、読むこと・書くことをお休みしたくなる気持ちもわかります。しかし、新学期がはじまるまで、そしてその先もこれらの習慣を続けることができる生徒は、将来、大きな成果を得ることができるでしょう。もちろん、私たち KA は皆さんが次のステップに進むために、そしてそのステップを通して、しっかりサポートします。

帰国子女アカデミー Head of Juken