EIKEN Changes: 生産的な英語力を評価する英検の新しいアプローチ

English follows Japanese
1つ目は、類義語や簡略化されたフレーズを使い、言い回しを変えつつも、元の意味をそのまま伝えます。例えば、「The recent overhaul of the EIKEN marks a significant shift.」は、 「2024's changes to this test represents an important change.」 と書き換えることができます。
2つ目は、内容の並べ替えと組み合わせです。同義語を使い、情報の順序を並べ替えます。例えば、「The introduction of a summary writing task in levels 2, Pre-1, and 1 is especially notable.」 は、「Particularly interesting is the new requirement for students at various levels to condense a lengthy article into a short paragraph.」 と書き換えることができます。
これらの Tips は、要約の落とし穴を避け、独創的かつ必要な情報を効果的に伝える文章をつくるのに役立つと思います。
Do people spend too much time on social media?
Recently, there has been a lot of evidence suggesting that social media negatively impacts mental health. Do you believe that people spend too much on social media?
The recent overhaul of the EIKEN marks a significant shift towards prioritizing "productive" language skills such as speaking and writing. This move is a forward-looking decision that promises to reshape how students learn and use English.
For years, many language tests, including earlier versions of the EIKEN, focused heavily on reading and listening. These skills are of course important, but they don't fully measure a student's ability to use the language actively. That's why the new emphasis on writing summaries and expressing opinions in the EIKEN test is a game-changer. It mirrors a real-world use of English where being able to express clear, concise thoughts is just as crucial as understanding the language.
The introduction of a summary writing task in levels 2, Pre-1, and 1 is particularly noteworthy. Students are now required to distill a long article into a few well-crafted sentences. The EIKEN insists that students put these summaries in their own words, challenging them to think critically about what they read and decide what's essential to include and what's not.
Tips for Creating a Plagiarism-Free Summary:
- Use Synonyms or Simplified Phrases: Maintain the original meaning while altering the phrasing. For instance, change "The recent overhaul of the EIKEN marks a significant shift" to "2024’s changes to this test represent an important change.”
- Combine with Content Rearrangement: Modify the order of information alongside using synonyms. For example, "The introduction of a summary writing task in levels 2, Pre-1, and 1 is particularly noteworthy" can be rewritten as "Particularly interesting is the new requirement for students at various levels to condense a lengthy article into a short paragraph.”
- Focus on Core Messages: Concentrate on essential information, using topic and concluding sentences as guides to discern critical from minor details.
- Blend Different Methods: Create a unique summary by integrating techniques from the above points.
These strategies will help you craft summaries that are original and convey the necessary information effectively, avoiding the pitfalls of plagiarism.
The speaking section has also received a welcome enhancement. At the Pre-1 level, students are now presented with a slightly more robust speaking prompt that includes an introductory sentence before a question about the student's opinion on a topic.
Previous Format:
Do people spend too much time on social media?
New Format:
Recently, there has been a lot of evidence suggesting that social media negatively impacts mental health. Do you believe that people spend too much on social media?
The new introductory sentence provides the students with more context, making it easier for the student to respond to the question. This better mirrors how we use language daily, making the test more practical and relevant to students' lives. By requiring students to articulate their opinions, the test prepares students to engage in discussions and presentations in real-life scenarios.
The EIKEN Pre-2 and 3 levels have recently introduced a new writing component: a written response to an email. Students are required to ask questions in their responses, specifically focusing on words that are underlined in the original email. This task is both productive and responsive, fostering a deeper engagement with the language by encouraging students to consider their audience. At KA, we've long recognized the value of this approach; we incorporate letter writing into our curriculum as a foundational skill before advancing to essay writing. Our experience has shown that students who envision a specific audience while writing essays tend to produce more impactful and effective work.
Overall, the EIKEN test's recent updates are a significant stride towards a more comprehensive assessment of English proficiency. By challenging students to write, speak, and think in English in ways that mirror real-world use, the EIKEN is setting new benchmarks for what it means to be proficient in English.

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